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Tell parents about Gogeta Nursery

For every parent at your nursery that pays their fees with Gogeta Nursery, you will receive additional funding of 12.5% of their fees for your nursery.

Many parents don't even know this scheme exists, so it's definitely worth letting them know so they can get their employer signed up.


Update your website/Send an email

Here's some useful copy about Gogeta Nursery for you to update your website or send an email to parents:

We are signed up to Gogeta Nursery, an employee benefit scheme that lets you make big savings on your nursery fees by paying via salary sacrifice.

How much can I save?

You can save between 19-40% per year on your nursery bill (depending on your tax band) by paying out of your gross salary, before tax and NI contributions. Unlike the Tax Free Childcare scheme (which saves you 20% but caps savings at £2000 per year) savings with Gogeta are uncapped, so savings are almost always greater with Gogeta Nursery.

Can I use Gogeta Nursery with Government funded hours?

Yes, you can use Gogeta Nursery in conjunction with the Government’s funded hours scheme. Simply salary sacrifice your nursery costs (after the funded hours have been deducted) and make big savings on the remainder of your fees.

The nursery benefits too

As part of the workplace nursery scheme, for every parent who pays their fees using Gogeta Nursery, we'll receive additional funding from the employer, which is 12.5% of your fees. This doesn’t cost you anything and it is covered by the national insurance savings your employer makes, so it is cost neutral to them too. We agree with you how to use the funding, where the nursery needs it most.

How do I apply?

For you to use Gogeta Nursery your employer will need to sign up. It’s simple, quick and offering the Gogeta Nursery benefit to staff doesn’t cost your employer a penny. Find out more by visiting the Gogeta Nursery website.



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Download or order marketing materials

Download marketing materials to give to parents or share on any parent communication app you use (like Famly).

If you'd like to order hard copies of these marketing materials for your nursery settings please get in touch:
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© 2024 Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta.
Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta is a registered company in England and Wales as Velomatch Limited (No. 13403344). Our registered address is Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane, London EC3V 9DU.
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 994240.


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